Tag: Wazuh

  • Discord & Wazuh Integration

    Discord & Wazuh Integration

    Discord is a popular communication platform where people chat, share info, and connect. Integrating Wazuh alerts into Discord is key for quick and effective security updates. It can be deemed as a security guard in your digital hangout, making sure everyone stays informed and acts fast if there’s a potential threat. In this guide, we’ll…

  • Wazuh in K8S (Kubernetes): Enable archives index & get all events

    Wazuh in K8S (Kubernetes): Enable archives index & get all events

    Capturing all coming logs and visualizing them can be a requirement andenabling that option in an on-prem environment can be achieved as describedin the official guide here https://documentation.wazuh.com/4.4/user-manual/manager/wazuh-archives.html; however, In K8s, restarting theFilebeat service causes restarting the Wazuh manager pod which will wipeup the changes and revert the initial configuration (archives disabled). This article describes…

  • HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) for Wazuh & Kibana

    HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) for Wazuh & Kibana

    HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a vital security measure in today’sdigital landscape, where data security and privacy are paramount. With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, safeguarding sensitiveinformation transmitted over the internet has become critical for individualsand organizations. HSTS plays a crucial role in this regard by enforcing secure connections. Itinstructs browsers to only…

  • Enrich Wazuh indices using Elasticsearch ingest Set processor

    Enrich Wazuh indices using Elasticsearch ingest Set processor

    Elasticsearch offers various processors configurable within the ingest pipelinesallowing you to perform transformations over the data. In this write-up, I will use the Set processor https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/set-processor.html to enrich the Wazuh alerts indices. Use case: Add a flag/field to distinguish between servers in different data centers, knowingthat each data center has servers with unique Operating System.…